I just placed an abstract to speak at SQL Saturday #499 on SSMS Tips and Tricks - I gave this session at work recently inviting the entire IT department and got almost 60 people to attend, and have several requests to present it again. I'll be working on genericizing the content to be ready for this event as well as our local chapter session in April 2016. I'll start blogging here more often at least monthly as well.
Speaking at an event like this really makes you dig in to the subject. But seriously, you don't need to be the ultimate expert, you merely need to be better than than you were yesterday. Each day you learn a bit more, and this continuous improvement will serve your career as much as your own confidence in the subject. Pick a subject that energizes you and you will find ways to make that enthusiasm infectious. Most of all, have fun. Work smarter, not harder.
We would love to see more speakers from Wisconsin at the Madison event!!